
Ruby Zoisite is also known as Ruby in Zoisite or Anyolite. It’s a stone that’s a great combination of energy and color, making it one of the noblest and magnificent stones of all the stones. Anyolite is the name that can describe the natural combination of Green Zoisite with the Ruby stone. Zoisite is the…

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Ruby Zoisite is also known as Ruby in Zoisite or Anyolite. It’s a stone that’s a great combination of energy and color, making it one of the noblest and magnificent stones of all the stones.

Anyolite is the name that can describe the natural combination of Green Zoisite with the Ruby stone.

Zoisite is the clear medium green that you can see inside the stone, and it combines perfectly with the deep magenta red of the Ruby stone.

Very much heart-based, the vigor of the green Zoisite will stimulate positive feelings, happiness and appreciation for which one craves for.

As a truly spiritual stone, it has constantly been a talisman of love. A powerful aid to anyone, it sometimes includes white and black patches mixed with the other colors which help to reawaken the spirituality. The crimson color of this stone symbolizes the sun and its glowing hues suggests the protection and prosperity as an asset for the wearing individual.

This stone has a strong reaction within the third eye chakra, and its energy is powerful for rousing psychic abilities. Anyolite is a lovely serendipitous combination within the one stone.