RAW Rainbow Moonstone


Rainbow Moonstone is more accurately known as Transparent or White Labradorite. Rainbow Moonstone is a plagioclase feldspar with the chemical composition of Na AlSi308 which is the very same chemical composition as Labradorite. Moonstone, on the other hand, is an orthoclase feldspar and it’s chemical composition is K, AlS3O8. These stones are excellent to align…

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Rainbow Moonstone is more accurately known as Transparent or White Labradorite. Rainbow Moonstone is a plagioclase feldspar with the chemical composition of Na AlSi308 which is the very same chemical composition as Labradorite. Moonstone, on the other hand, is an orthoclase feldspar and it’s chemical composition is K, AlS3O8.

These stones are excellent to align and balance the chakra’s and to cleanse the aura. Rainbow Moonstones can bring you joy, peace of mind and relief from stress and anxiety. Use your Rainbow Moonstone during meditation to help you reach your higher self or angelic realm. The Black Tourmaline will help to ground you.

If you are working on a crystal grid for healing Mother Earth you can’t ask for a better helper than Rainbow Moonstone. This stone truly connects with the earth and sky energies which helps to align and balance the two. Rainbow Moonstones offers protection from negative and destructive energies and stave off psychic attack. They purify our mind, body, spirit and emotions. These stones help enhance creativity, intuition and inspiration.

Rainbow Moonstone allows the Crown Chakra to open and bring in loving white healing energies that will flow through us to the very core of our being. Rainbow Moonstone helps us to remember our true nature.