RAW Calcite, Mixed


Calcite is a spiritual stone linked to the higher consciousness that helps to open your higher awareness and psychic abilities. It increases spiritual development and allows the soul to remember. Blue calcite is helpful if you are making a career change that involves metaphysics, new age or other spiritual pursuits. This stone grounds you so…

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Calcite is a spiritual stone linked to the higher consciousness that helps to open your higher awareness and psychic abilities. It increases spiritual development and allows the soul to remember.

Blue calcite is helpful if you are making a career change that involves metaphysics, new age or other spiritual pursuits. This stone grounds you so that you can get your work done, which is especially helpful for those involved in visionary businesses. 

With its calming energy, blue calcite chills out your angst when raw emotions are running rampant and shifts your perspective to that of peaceful acceptance. 

Green calcite can be used to focus on balancing your emotions when dealing with a change of heart. Use green calcite to help you think good thoughts to heal yourself on many levels of consciousness.

Mangano calcite activates the opening of the heart chakra so that you can release prior feelings of hurt or fear. Feelings of anger and frustration can be assuaged by keeping this stone on hand. The soft pink vibration helps relieve insomnia. 

Orange Calcite helps you release stuck emotions with a gentle push. This is the perfect stone to install positive thoughtforms or mental energy in the emotional body immediately after and emotional release. Orange calcite is an excellent stone for those of you with shyness or social phobias. Its energy stimulates the aura and the physical body, helping you to overcome depression, lethargy or hopelessness.