Kunzite is an incredible cleanser of negative energy. It swoops right in and cleans house, ensuring that the cobwebs of mistrust and bad memories are swept away and you are left with a space that you feel is safe and sound for nurturing your own emotional and spiritual growth. Unsurprisingly, Kunzite is a heart chakra connector. Our heart chakra is the place of our trust and love and our ability to give and to be open to receiving in this world. When our heart chakra is blocked it can make us emotionally unavailable and locked down. If we can remove that block then beautiful energy can flow and we can give and take love freely without the risk of becoming stuck in negative repercussions.
Kunzite also connects to the crown chakra, our gateway to the higher plains of the universe and our source of spirituality. When our heart and crown chakras are open, we prime ourselves into becoming a ripe vessel for all the magic, divine light, and guidance the world has to bestow upon us.