Cinquefoil per 1/2 oz


Cinquefoils flowers are surrounded by 5 leaves creating a star shape these leaves are said to represent love, money, health, power and wisdom. When you carry cinquefoil it is said grant any of these 5 representations. The five-petaled flower has also been used as a symbol of the five-senses and of a person who had…

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Cinquefoils flowers are surrounded by 5 leaves creating a star shape these leaves are said to represent love, money, health, power and wisdom. When you carry cinquefoil it is said grant any of these 5 representations.

The five-petaled flower has also been used as a symbol of the five-senses and of a person who had achieved mastery over the self, exhibiting the qualities of strength, power, honor, and loyalty. Hence, many medieval knights worked to earn the right to emblazon the Cinquefoil's five-fingered leaf symbol on their shield. 

Cinquefoil is also used for protection and to remove curses and hexes. For protection it is hung above the door or placed on the bed. It is said that an infusion of the leaves can be used to wash away hexes and curses when you bathe your forehead and hands nine times.

To protect home from negative influences simply fill an eggshell with the herb and leave it in a safe place.

When carried in mojo a bag it brings love, money, health, power, and wisdom.

Also known as "Five Finger Grass", a powerful money drawing effect can be established by mixing Cinquefoil, Cinnamon, Cloves, and 4 Tonka Beans in a green flannel bag. Carry the bag with you at all times. Anoint the bag with Money Drawing oil while saying a money drawing prayer each day.