Cat’s Claw Bark per 1/2oz


Cat’s claw is said to be a powerful cleansing and protection herb, with the ability to clear any spiritual blockages or negative energy. It is also believed to enhance creativity, clarity of thought, and bring harmony and balance to one’s life. The use of cat’s claw in chakra healing can provide a powerful boost to…

4 in stock



Cat’s claw is said to be a powerful cleansing and protection herb, with the ability to clear any spiritual blockages or negative energy. It is also believed to enhance creativity, clarity of thought, and bring harmony and balance to one’s life.

The use of cat’s claw in chakra healing can provide a powerful boost to your spiritual journey, unlocking hidden potential within yourself. This herb is known for its ability to balance and stimulate the energy centers in your body, which are known as chakras.

Burn a green candle and sprinkle ground cats

claw bark for money spells

Use in pillows or sachets under pillow for lucid
