Blessed Thistle per 1/2 oz


Traditionally, thistle has been used for purification, to bring spiritual aid to the home, to protect from evil, and is associated with Mars, Aries and Fire. Growing them in your garden encourages protection, strength and healing. While they are no fun to step on when barefoot, try and let a couple grow out of the…

2 in stock



Traditionally, thistle has been used for purification, to bring spiritual aid to the home, to protect from evil, and is associated with Mars, Aries and Fire. Growing them in your garden encourages protection, strength and healing. While they are no fun to step on when barefoot, try and let a couple grow out of the way in your garden or yard to enjoy their protective qualities and natural warding abilities.

In Medieval times Blessed Thistle was believed to prevent and cure the plague. As such a strong preventative, magickally it can be brewed as a tea and sprinkled around a space to protect it from negativity and to bring spiritual aid. It can be boiled and placed beside one while meditating so the rising steam will bring your questions up and clear the channel for the answers to be heard.A man can carry it for more virility and to to be a better lover. Placing a bowl of the herb in a room is said to bring strength of spirit and vitality to the body. Putting blessed thistle in a garment or poppet will break any hex or spell. To remove negative energy use Blessed Thistle, Yerba Santa, Angelica Root and Basil in a bath, tea or mojo bag. To make a powerful spirit summoning incense burn the herbs Blessed Thistle, Asafoetida and Peppermint with the oils of Sandalwood, Frankincense and Myrrh and the Benzoin Resin.