How we
Came to be
There was a dream to follow this path well over a decade ago, but things seemed to get in the way!
The dream was shelved until we moved to Byron in 2018. When we found our way here, we found very little in the way of metaphysical stores. It was a spiritually dry area for those following an alternative spiritual path, and that rekindled the dream. As the dream was reborn, we found that the way had opened. The blockages seemed to fall away as we worked to manifest that dream.
And then the biggest blockage happened: COVID. Once again, blockages appeared. However, these ones did not hinder us for very long, and eventually we found a way to work the dream during the time of COVID.
We have now been open for almost 4 years, and the dream is still growing and changing as we go along. Its a massive blessing to be able to walk this path and grow as we go. Its our plan to continue growing along with the community, so if you want to see something in the shop, message me.
Blessed be!!